U Sremskoj Mitrovici, u subotu 30. marta odrzace se Ving Tsun Kung Fu trening/seminar.
Trening ce odzti BRANKO MICIC (Austria,Bec), covek sa vise od 20 godina iskustva u Wong Shun Leung sistemu po liniji Philipp Bayer-a.
Pocetak u 12h u sali u Atomskom Sklonistu u naselju Orao.
Cena za ucesce iznosi 10e.

Branko Micic, born in December 1967, discovered early in his passion for the martial arts: early age of eight, he began to practice karate. Fourteen years and countless workouts later he was with this style of fighting is no longer satisfied. Physically stronger, heavier opponents could Branko still cause problems. As much as he karate also guessed, he felt it was for him to hard and rigid.
Branko went in search of a style that met him more. He looked around in many martial arts schools and tried, without bias, different versions of.
During the year 1990, he was so in Dietmar Christls Ving Tsun Kung Fu school. Branko watched the training - and discovered something for him completely new: the very liquid, short and explosive movements of an extremely direct combat style, where every little mistake of the enemy is immediately exploited and whose attack and defense sequences often last only a few seconds. All that Branko was so impressed that he Dietmar Christl after training many questions - and even book tentatively "palpable" wanted to be.
It was not long, and Branko had met all the corners in the training hall. The realization that he drew from that first encounter with Ving Tsun: Previously he had relied too much on his certificates and the black belt, but not to itself So it was clear to him what style of fighting he wanted to learn and perfect future. Branko had found his teacher.
It was only some months later, as a small, elderly man with a cigar in his mouth watching the workout. After some time he went to Branko and spoke to him with broken English. Branko did not matter what the Lord wanted from him. Maybe it was a future Ving Tsun students? When the little man asked him again to attack him, sat Branko continued his attack carefully, so as not to hurt. But the moment he led the first movement, were crossed his hands quickly and Branko landed a few feet away in the radiators - only by a palm thrust of older men. Dietmar Christl solved the mystery and introduced him to the nice gentleman with cigar: It was his Grandmaster Wong Shun Leung, who was with Philipp Bayer came just one day before the announced Ving Tsun Seminar in Vienna.

In the following days Branko learned during the seminar, Wong Shun Leung Philipp Bayer and its best students know better. The acquaintance with this Ving Tsun legends confirmed him therein to address fully the martial art.
A few years later decided Branko to inform themselves Ving Tsun. Dietmar Christl supported him in it - and does so still. The fact that a teacher must above all be a learner, Branko is aware. He continues to work on improving his Ving Tsun and here owes much to his trainer who practices regularly and be very patient with him and other training leaders and showing them the boundaries that need to be overcome. It is also every time a beautiful and highly productive event when Philipp Bayer comes to Vienna and a seminar keeps.
Branko is still very grateful that he has the chance at that time in the right school. It changed his life positively. For this reason he tries to just give this Ving Tsun philosophy, which he got to know about further.
For some time, Branko focused solely on its own training center in the 15th District of Vienna. As a certified personal trainer, he also offers fitness and exercise care in individual lessons.