Винг Чун Кунг Фу Клуб Драгон is sport organisation. In our class we promote Wong Shun Leung - Philipp Bayer Ving Tsun and Sansho/Sanda way of training for Kung Fu tournaments and championships. All are welcome, especially, children, women, seniors, or any others who have never trained in martial arts and would like to improve their skills, combat training, real wing chun, health and general well-being.
среда, 29. септембар 2010.
Ving Tsun System
Ving Tsun System
The Ving Tsun system is a simple, efficient and ruthless fighting system.
Ving Tsun is known for its direct/linear attacks, devastating low kicks,
trapping hands and triangular footwork.The Real Ving Tsun Club concentrates
on building a strong foundation in the fundamental principles and skillsets,
concentrating on the following:
• Sil Lum Tao
• Chum Kiu
• Bil Jee
• Mook Yan Jong (wooden dummy) Form
• Partner drills (Lap sao, Pon sao, Chi sao, Go sao...)
• attack circle drills
• Sparring
As with all disciplines, a deep understanding of the underlying
principles is critical to achieving proficiency in Ving Tsun.
Learning Ving Tsun is much like learning a foreign language.
One learns an alphabet, recites the alphabet, learns simple words,
then simple sentences and finally goes on to have combative discourse
with others.
This very progressive approach allows the practitioner to be
truly self-expressive with martial medium.
Ving Tsun was born in the turbulent times in China when Ming
loyalists were fighting a subversive and clandestine war against
the Manchus of the ruling Ching Dynasty. At the time, becoming
proficient in Shaolin-based fighting systems took up to 20 years.
The objective of the Ming revolutionaries was to train effective
fighters in 3 to 5 years. One of the prevalent theories is that
five Shaolin-trained masters convened to design this new fighting system.
Its result was the streamlined and efficient system which would come
to be known as Ving Tsun.

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