Винг Чун Кунг Фу Клуб Драгон is sport organisation. In our class we promote Wong Shun Leung - Philipp Bayer Ving Tsun and Sansho/Sanda way of training for Kung Fu tournaments and championships. All are welcome, especially, children, women, seniors, or any others who have never trained in martial arts and would like to improve their skills, combat training, real wing chun, health and general well-being.
среда, 21. април 2010.
Wing Chun Raw Exercises
Zanimljiv i malo drugaciji vid treninga sa drvenom lutkom. Samo deblo je veoma tesko i takodje korisno za razvijanje boljeg balansa i stava,ukorenjavanja, kompaktnosti pokreta ruku i same snage.
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